Integrating with Existing iOS Projects

This guide offers a detailed walkthrough on integrating the Parra iOS SDK into an existing app. If you haven't started your project in Xcode yet, we recommend beginning with the quickstart guide. It demonstrates how to use the Parra CLI to automatically generate a new Xcode project with Parra already integrated.

Verify Compatibility

Make sure that your existing project is compatible with Parra. Parra uses modern tools and APIs and has the following requirements:

  • Can be built with Xcode 15.4 or newer
  • Has a deployment target of iOS 17 or newer
  • Uses SwiftUI

Add the Parra SPM Package

First, open your Xcode project to add the Parra SDK via the Swift Package Manager. The URL of the repo hosting the Parra Swift package can be copied below.

If you're unfamiliar with adding SPM packages, follow these steps depicted by the screenshots below.

  1. Select your project in the file navigator on Xcode's left pane.
  2. In project settings, select your app under the "Project" header. (Not the "Target")
  3. Select the "Package Dependencies" tab.
  4. Click the "+" button to open the package search window.
A screenshot of Xcode, selecting the project settings, then the + button to add a SPM package.
  1. Paste the URL into the search field.
  2. Select the parra-mobile-sdks package from the search results.
  3. Choose a dependency rule. Xcode will select "Up to Next Major Version" by default. Parra strives to only release breaking changes during major releases, but
  4. Click "Add Package."
A screenshot of Xcode after clicking the + button in the previous step. Searching for and clicking add package.

Obtain Application and Tenant IDs

Open your workspace in the Parra dashboard. Grab the tenant ID from your workspace settings, and your application ID from your applications list. You'll need these for the next step.

The ParraApp Wrapper

A ParraApp is a wrapper around you're app's content that lives at the entry point of the app. Locate your @main directive and incorporate Parra by adding a UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor and inserting the ParraApp struct into your Scene. Provide tenant and application IDs you found in the previous step to the ParraApp initializer.

import Parra
import SwiftUI

struct MyNewApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(ParraAppDelegate<ParraSceneDelegate>.self) var appDelegate

    var body: some Scene {
        ParraApp(tenantId: <#TENANT_ID#>, applicationId: <#APPLICATION_ID#>, appDelegate: appDelegate) {
            WindowGroup {
                ParraOptionalAuthWindow {

If your app is using a custom App Delegate or Scene Delegate, check out our configuration doc for examples of how they can be used with ParraApp.

Project Configuration & Entitlements

The configuration changes described here are necessary for specific functionality. If your app doesn't require certain features, you can omit the corresponding configurations.


  • NSCameraUsageDescription: Required to allow users to take new profile pictures.

    Recommended Value

    We use your camera to take profile pictures and support other user-controlled actions.


  • aps-environment: (String) Required for push notification functionality. This includes both user-facing notifications and silent notifications that refresh state in-app.
    • The value should be development in DEBUG builds and production in production or TestFlight builds.
  • (String array) Required for passkey login, and QuickType suggestions for usernames and passwords. Each entry should have the prefix webcredential: and coorespond to the domains configured for your workspace. It is recommended that you include the optional query param ?mode=developer in DEBUG mode. It should not be present in production or TestFlight builds.

    Example Associated Domains


What's Next?

Now that the Parra SDK has been added to your project, you may want to check out:

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