Default Template

The default template is a great starting point for most apps. It contains examples of many of Parra's core features, and doesn't include any additional 3rd-party libraries.


  • None required


  1. Authentication: Your users can log in securely using your choice of password, passwordless SMS or passkeys.
  2. User Management: Users can alter basic information about themselves like name and profile picture.
  3. Feedback: Users can report bugs or make suggestions right from within your app.
  4. Roadmap: Your users can keep track of new features that are in the works and vote on their favorites.
  5. Changelog: Users can see a revision history of what has changed with your app updates. Users can see when an update is available in the App Store.
  6. Hosted legal documents: Users can access your terms of service, privacy policy and other legal documents hosted from the Parra dashboard within your app.
A screenshot of the profile tab of the default Parra sample app.

Bootstrap Command

To build an app with this template, install the Parra CLI and run the command:

parra bootstrap --template default

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